PISA - Productos de Instrumentation, S. A. - we supply you with materials for your instrument assemblies. You can find us serving the most prominent industrial sectors since our foundation in 1981.

Backed by the most important manufacturers in the sector:

Valves, Tubing Accessories and Accessories

Cabinets, cabinets, sheds and boxes for the protection of instruments

Integrated systems and laboratories

Sequential locking devices

Analytical systems solutions, software and services for scientists.


Instrumentation cables in 10 days


Eyewash showers


Quality instrumentation products.

Complete industrial solutions.

An enthusiastic and experienced human team, highly qualified, and a warehouse in Madrid, with very large stocks, quickly and efficiently attend to any demand in any part of Spain.

Our Quality Policy
se sustenta en la Norma
ISO 9001.2015


Miembro de Flucomp
Proud members


We are partners